
Monday, October 28, 2013

Holidays already???

We know, we can't believe it's that time of year, either!  But the craft fair is right around the corner, and you know what that means - time to start planning for the holidays!  The FOA will have a booth at the craft fair and will be selling grab bags of Disney Pins.  Prices are 2 pins for $5 or 10 pins for $20 (that's like 2 free!)  We have a fantastic variety of standard and hidden mickey pins, and you might even get lucky and get a limited edition or cast lanyard pin.  Plan ahead for the holidays or your next WDW vacation!  See you on November 23rd!

Also coming up is the Friends of the Arts Annual Holiday Boutique on Tuesday through Thursday, December 3rd - 5th.  Elementary students will be schedule to attend the boutique with their classmates.  Middle School students can shop on their lunch hour.  Christmas and Chanukah gifts are available for siblings, parents, grandparents and pets.  If you are sending a check with your child, please ensure it is made payable to Mount Sinai Friends of the Arts.

As always, funds raised from these events will help to enhance the art, music, and theater programs in Mount Sinai!

Thank you in advance for your support!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Meet the Teacher Night

Please join us on October 10th for our annual Meet the Teacher Night at 7pm in the Middle School Library, where Steve Mantone and the music and arts teachers will be assembled to talk about their plans for the upcoming year and answer any questions you may have.  Light refreshments will be provided, and children are welcome. If you cannot attend the meeting but would like to submit a question to be answered, please leave a comment below.  We will be posting a recap of the event  afterwards.